The actuality of this type of theme is born out of the experience of the past years, when the pandemic brought about various reformulations, including of literature, but also out of the mutations which have arisen throughout the cultural ages under the influence of fear, analysed from a philosophical, literary, or cultural point of view in relation to all cultural products.
Issue XXIV (1) of the Lucian Blaga Notebooks advances the following axes of debate:
- Pandemics, epidemics, social maladies as reflected in literature
- Catastrophes and the apocalyptic imaginary
- Terrorism and individual / collective threats
- „Fear” and „anxiety” in defining characters
- The ideology of fear, reality and fantasy
- Collective terror and social vision
- Pathologies and representations of maladies in literature
- Collective trauma and their representation in art, film, literature
- Censorship, subversive language in literature written in totalitarian regimes
Bibliographical suggestions:
Bourke, Joanna Fear. A Cultural History. Emeryville, Schoemaker and Hoard, 2005
Delumeau, Jean, La peur en Occident (XIVe-XVIIIe siècles), Paris, Fayard, 1978
Mannoni, Pierre, La peur, Paris, PUF, « Que sais-je ? », 1988
Glassner, Berry, The Culture of Fear. Why Americans are afraid of the wrong things, Basic Books, New York, 1999
Marks, Isaac, Fears and Phobias, Heinemann, London, 1967.
Watts, SJ. Epidemics and history: disease, power, and imperialism. Yale University Press, London, 1997
The deadline for submission of articles is July 15 2023, under the email address colocviublaga@gmail.com. Articles will undergo a process of peer review, with the volume expected to be published in December 2023. Articles can be submitted in English, French, German, Spanish and Romanian.
Guidelines for contributors can be found here:
Reviews can be between 8.000 and 15.000 characters long, scientific articles between 30.000 and 40.000 characters.